Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay First Edition Wiki

A misty spiral staircase carries the wizard high into the sky. When the wizard casts the spell, the height of the staircase must be decided, ranging from 48 yards to 200 yards. From his vantage point in the air, the wizard can see for miles. However, targeting penalties due to long range still apply – so, for example, a wizard shooting an arrow from a 200-yard-high stair might be able to target someone 10 yards away from the base of the stair (ranges are not reduced when firing downwards), but their BS will be at -20 because they are considered to be firing at extreme range.

While on the staircase, the caster gains 2 Armour Points to all locations. Attacks against him suffer a penalty to their range equal to the height of the tower. This is reduced if it is possible to shoot at the wizard (or engage in hand-to-hand combat) from another vantage point, or from the air. If the Stair is magically dispelled, or when the spell runs out, the wizard floats unharmed to the ground.

Another Jade wizard who also knows the Spiral Stair spell could climb the staircase from the ground on a successful magic test, but the staircase is insubstantial to anyone else.
